Wounded Knee Museum | Wounded Knee Massacre (Wikipedia) | Wounded Knee Memorial (Moon Travel Guide)
Road trip to Wounded Knee Memorial, South Dakota. Without getting too firmly ensconced on one side or the other of this event, suffice it to say it is a sad point in our nation’s history and I felt uneasy taking pictures of all the grave markers. The fenced in area in the center, with the single obelisk-style monument, is a mass grave for the Native Americans killed on the site. The majority of the other grave sites are more recent.
On the way to Wounded Knee, we went through Cherry County, the second biggest county in the U.S. It has the least amount of light pollution in the lower 48. Consequently, many professional and amateur astronomers spend a great deal of time here. The average size of the ranches here is 100,000 acres with many exceeding that. It is not uncommon to see “driveways” 7 to 10 miles long.
In less arid years we would have been treated to hills blanketed with many different varieties of wild flowers. We did see some, but unfortunately not the “explosion” of other years.
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